Lemon Grass

"Rebirth", 40 x 50cm, oil-based medium on canvas
enveloped with a yellow tinted plexi-glass -- by Lee Don
full view
Lemon Grass
The Hour of Solaris’ Exodus;
A long anticipated departure:
One fine day amidst groves of mangoes --
of aromatic Camia buds and its splendor blossoms --
of grasping essences and revisited innocence.
The radiant Sun showering elucidation
to saturated leaves and to this
dew perturbing bohemian soul;
but once in a precedent verve --
a very countrified lad, was he?
With gleaming eyes,
he surveyed the emerald fields:
Nipa cabins of old he witnessed --
All traded to rural conformities; tsk, tsk!
Bamboo columns and straw fortifications --
now all elements of architectural archives.
Carabao driven carriages --
replaced by horse powered machines.
Ah, the evolution of urban reformities!
Change - is truly, a constant revolutionary; tsk, tsk!
Grassy conduits trailed his course, still;
to adjacent rice pastures --
and to the incorruptibility
of once cherished childhood.
Humid sweat galloping on his bronze skin,
as this somnolent traveler
relished the scent of the prairie’s bouquets --
while treading tranquil on irrigated meadows.
There under the trinity of mango trees;
beneath the elegance of jade leaves
and their saccharine fruitful bounties --
Of golden miracles and amorous marvels;
he took respite, Oh. Sweet Surrender!
Looking up he saw elated kids;
playing on elevated pillared branches,
wolfing on the yellow nectarines.
And the aphorism of their innocence --
The cliché’s of a time of sublime --
Made his eyelids into a watery basin;
Ah, to be a kid yet again!
Just as his sweaty palm and
cigarette stained hand wiped nostalgic moist
from his misty wistful orbs;
a mantle of cumulus bathed the
parched pastures with revitalizing conjecture.
He then: juvenile reminiscent, still;
trailed home walking barefoot.
Striding from verdant paths to mud puddles;
letting the downpour wash away
his evocative whimpers --
with thoughts of Home;
…and yearning to sip a hot broth
of Lemon Grass quintessence.
Ah, to be a kid yet again…
A final send-off to Summer’s solar flares!
And as well;
…to youthful INNOCENCE!
Clown's Anthem: Broken Sonnet (Hale)

(click the songs title to stream the track)
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