Icarus Off to Misty Heaven

Inspiration at DeviantArt can be spotted in every click of the mouse, a myriad of aesthetic orgasms will satisfy you with every link that you may somehow weary from and stumble upon. (the original photo was by MsBizarre; and when I saw it, it inspired me in many ways to play around with it, hence the resulting graphic manipulation above) If you want to see it's original unedited state checkout MsBizarre's gallery .
beauteous Trojan;
Make haste deeds, Defy
concrete Grecian pillars. Let
the gods of Greece conspire. Let
us be but corporeal and act upon
our fatal loins!
sweet tempest;
What wondrous grace!
Let Thy name be stricken off
from mens lips! Let all of Sparta
march to claim, Let ships of tens
of hundreds sail! Let an entire Aegean
fleet come to mêlée. For amidst all
I will still stand firm!
Fortified wall;
Flout the foretold,
make swift defiance!
Upset the eyes in the sky,
Redraft the divine tragic comedy
And displease the Playwrights of
arsenals of pain;
Let pilums and arrows
Rain like rays of light.
Aim for my heart. For I, followed
it's ev'ry throbbing whim. This
crestfallen Prince awaits...
And silently beckons.
vengeful ire;
I have but only spite
for the gods! Still, I applaud their
theatric puppetry. For one graced beauty
bled thousand mortal men! Draw your swords
What say you? And pierce my heart
For she...My Love clandestine;
has long impaled my beating
pernicious love;
From forth this destined tryst!
Spawned only lonesome pain and
bled crimson tears! So I must bid my last
farewell, my fair muse!
Adieu...My Love!
Clown's Anthem: Hopes and Fears (Keane)